
The NBA has an entire program for rookies to prepare them for life as professional athletes. The NFL has a seminar where they’re told to find fall guys.

The fuck is this hair:

Horrible, horrible news. Like any sensible person, I hope that he recovers and gets back on track to finishing his lifelong goal.

See this is the perfect example. I think you’re an idiot, but if you happen to live where I work, I will gladly save your ass despite not liking your opinions.

Those police officers are paid by us to defend us regardless of whether their feelings are hurt by our [completely legal and in fact guaranteed by the constitution to be protected from government sanctions such as police oppression] actions. If they don’t like it, they can go find a different job, same as anybody else.

This type of stuff proves that being a cop is just a job, and not some higher calling.

And these are probably the same people who complain on Facebook about the scourge of academic “safe spaces” and the “pussification” of today’s youth.

It's a good thing people this sensitive have blanket license to harass and murder the people complaining about this very fact.

You’re going back and forth with someone who took issue with the particulars of the way you stated that rape is an awful, abhorrent thing. There was absolutely nothing wrong with your original statement. You were doing the right thing from the start.

Why bother.

You realize your attitude isn’t helping the dialogue of getting more men to understand and empathize with women about the state of rape culture in america. He was offering empathy even if the wording was not perfect, hoping the men who are accused of the crime are brought to justice. You choose to jump down his throat

He’s drawing a connection in the only way most men can. “Feel the same thing we feel” is an unreasonable, unattainable goal in the real world for this subject. I cannot feel the same visceral reaction you feel, because sexual assault is not a real threat for me, or for That_Other_Guy. It’s an utterly foreign concept

Jez is over there. Somewhere over there. Just down around the corner. Keep on. You'll find it soon

If part of this trial involves her having to convince the jury that she started dating Trump out of mutual attraction, I think she’s going to lose.

Slow down, Cowboy. I am a supporter of HRC (including phone banking and monetary contributions).

Moderation or getting the press to gin up fake scandals about the Clinton Foundation for a couple of weeks?

Artist’s depiction of Trump in Mexico:

He’s purely a right hemisphere guy, no time for logic or reasoning or language or analytic thought.

Some kind of bobby pin. When he has problems in the US, he just wears that dumb hat. He should have had a gigantic sombrero embroidered last night, what a dumb ass.

Remember the golden years of Camalot when politicians would actually fuck gorgeous movie stars and not just pathetically jerk off in front of an electronic screen with strangers?

fielders shifted to left field when he batted