Milton Berle's Half Black Cock

Age shaming. Proud of yourself, cunt?

What a mean spirited post. Some guy feels insecure about his appearance, and your answer is to write a rant at him about his privilege. Unbelievable.

Do you guys feel at all bad/hypocritical for putting Grantland on blast for outing Dr. V, to only do the same thing a year or so later?

Gawker is built on hypocracy, but good luck getting any of their “writers” to respond with anything but snark when you call them on it.

I explicitly stated, that the Hogan case is not revenge porn, care to read? For GM, climbing on its moral high horse every time a pic or video of a woman is on the internet, where she so much as displays a sliver of flesh without her explicit consent, condemning the material as either revenge, porn, sexual assault,

“Watch my unfunny post...”

I love being guilted into giving up my aisle seat, or extra legroom seat. In some cases I paid more money, or checked in early or did whatever I had to do to get the seat that I wanted, but you wanna lay the guilt trip on for it.