Milton Berle's Half Black Cock

I wouldn't waste that much time on you, personally, but your attitude does suck.

No. The correct term is “stupid.”

How many 777s are on “ships?”

Oh please don’t be here all week. Please.

Yes, which is why it was such a stupid question - among other reasons.

Because your question was insanely stupid.

So, you’re an idiot too. Got it.


Yes it was you moron.

Oh Lord... the “I’m trying to look smart” retort. If I were you, I’d try getting some real friends, but holy God I’m glad I’m not.

OK. You are that stupid. Thanks!

You can’t really be that stupid, can you?

I think skynet215 was simply trying to say that you sound less like a 15 yo writing, if you don’t call something bullshit. As it stands you don’t actually know, there are myriad reasons why Uber could have done this, as most commenters have pointed out. Moreover I agree with your observations, but did almost gloss

“Hackers Threaten to Expose 40 Million Cheating AshleyMadison Users”

Age shaming. Proud of yourself, cunt?

What a mean spirited post. Some guy feels insecure about his appearance, and your answer is to write a rant at him about his privilege. Unbelievable.

Do you guys feel at all bad/hypocritical for putting Grantland on blast for outing Dr. V, to only do the same thing a year or so later?

I’m sure you would, big talker.

Wow. This is truly the lamest joke ever. Stop trying please. Moron.

Gawker is built on hypocracy, but good luck getting any of their “writers” to respond with anything but snark when you call them on it.