
Also, again, even if violence were OK if your accusations were true, no proof yet that your accusations are true. L ynch mobs are like that. Violence now, proof whenever.

False parallel, for many reasons.

"Attack the argument, not the person"? Seriously? When you've gleefully, mercilessly, and persistently advocated literal, physical violence instead of refutation arguments against someone for peaceful speech you dislike???

Well I didn't see what he said to you. If it was as bad, I'd flag that too.

I doubt it. In his sub culture, there is a deep reluctance and even contempt for trying to buy respectability or mercy by throwing people further right than yourself under the bus, even when you have absolute contempt for such people as evil or stupid. What's valued is a pose of total indifference to the left,

Let's grant for the moment that it's OK to advocate illegal vigilante violence on a "white supremacist" who "advocates genocide" through mere words. Since you're the one advocating initiating vigilante violence, and I presume you don't want to start a witch hunt or a case of wrongful death, I presume you have robust

Is it OK to punch a Communist? Lot more deaths at the hands of Commies. What about an Islamist?

Spencer has denounced Hitler, not that facts matter here much.

It's typical of left thugs to equate speech they dislike with violence, in order to justify violence they like. But truth matters and words mean things. Speech is not violence. Speech advocating violence is reprehensible. To my knowledge, Spencer has not advocated initiating such violence, but people like you do.

Somehow nobody in America threw Jews in gas chambers even though Nazis have HAD a platform here. At no time after the war was any Nazi Party or its publications or rallies banned. So the central premise justifying initiating violence against Nazis, or far more commonly, "Nazis": that Americans are straining at the

"Personal attacks are not permitted in discourse on this site, and thus you are being flagged and reported for that"

Interesting that you've retreated from claiming he's advocated "genocide", to merely claiming he is a "white supremacist". There's no one to be supreme over, of course, if you've genocided the rest.

I forgot to say,

I realize the Left is enjoying talking itself into a frenzy of rage, because it feels empowering after a humiliating defeat, and because humans are wired to be "yay my team boo your team", but it's objectively CRAZY to say that the US government is "on the side of the Nazis".

Can't argue with you there.

Spencer may be an idiot for having done his stupid "Hail Victory" stunt, and he's dead wrong on many issues, but I am really disturbed and angered by the tidal wave of gleeful incitement against him.

Spencer hasn't advocated anybody's extermination. I see this constantly alleged, but zero proof.

True, and I have criticized Trump strongly for that and many other things.

That's a lot of assumptions, name-calling and chest-thumping over a simple post asking whether it's wise to openly and literally advocate violence against an individual person.

The Greatest Generation is celebrated for being soldiers engaged in legal combat against a foreign state that declared war on us, not for being civilians initiating illegal assault against fellow Americans peacefully voicing unpopular and even radical opinions.