
Prove it.

You have no facts, and you know you have no facts, and you simply advocate brute force. Therefore, you're the villain, and you know you're the villain.

Got it, so it's OK for you to whip up a call to mass violence against someone, by name, but not OK for that to happen to you.

If "doing word violence" to Spencer is a trivial matter to be sneered at and dismissed, why is it so bad for Spencer to have supposedly done so to you?

That's a dishonest response.

Points for you — you responded promptly and with a link that at least at first blush backs up your claim.

Yeah, and you're the good guy here.

Go ahead and post the direct and verified quote where he "promotes genocide", specifically in the here and now against what ever group(s) you are in, and without defining genocide down into meaninglessness — meaning actual extermination, not mere revision of legal immigration policy, deportation of illegals, or making

"this is the one instance where ripping the glasses off of someone’s face and grinding them into the sidewalk like a schoolyard bully is totally okay."

I remember how the official Batman Forever website languished forgotten by the studio for years and years, with its comments forum being completely unmoderated. Utter and complete anarchy. Bedlam. For years.

Thst movie just made me realize how wasted Jim Carrey was as the Riddler. He'd have been an all time greatest Joker with a decent director. More evidence: the Mask, Cable Guy.

Clever girls!

Not mentioned is Kevin Costner's total lack of acting ability or charisma. Robin Hood is supposed to have flash and daring, one of the original swashbucklers, a thrill to follow or even watch. But Costner, as he does in every movie, plods through his scenes with the energy and verve of molding bread. Mumbling

"Racist"? " Sexist"? How on Earth. This movie is suffocatingly PC. Maid Marian who had never been anything but a traditional damsel in distress is turned into a ball-kicking physical fighter. And of course there's Azeem the Unbearable, a ridiculous unconscious parody of "musn't have an all white anything" terror

Ha! Great stuff. Wow.

Titanfall. On a Micro Vision. Or yawnsville.

Yeah like we didn't see this coming a light year away. The predictable and widely predicted failure of ObamaCare would then lead to a push for "single payer", with the only question being whether this sequence of events was intended from the beginning.

Non-cash goods only, such as increased smugness and social status, or merely protection from shakedown lawsuits and pressure-group harassment.

That show is pretty well done actually, far better than most live-action efforts. However it breaks several of my rules (logo, car), and I never cared for its highly stylized, geometrical, simplistic drawing style, especially of Batman's head.

Ideal Batman movie/TV show: