
More stories like this. One thing I’ve noticed in the abortion debate is that people often bring out “rape, incest or the mother’s life being in danger” as the holy trifecta of reasons anyone should condone abortion. Fetal abnormalities are almost always missing, but they are the reason behind the vast majority of

We’re MEN!!! We’re manly men, we're men in tiiights!,,,

They all moved to Formula E

Omg. You mean this IS a thing.

You could’ve adopted an American kid with only mild PTSD, but you went all the way to Ukraine and got a psycho dwarf.

like when you try to give your cousin grief over video games to make him feel normal while he slowly dies of leukemia

I, a horrible human, would have laughed at this until I gave myself a splitting headache. 

Ooh this easy!

Rooting for the French in anything usually ends up in heartache. I wanted either Pinot or Alaphillipe to win the Tour de France this year, and when they both fell just a little short I started to believe that God doesn't like them, just like everyone else.

<Extremely The Aristocrats punchline voice> The Ford Family!

She actually sounds mature and self-aware....dont understand where the hate in the comments comes from. Shes a good artist who puts out catchy pop songs, i like her

Also, anyone find David saying “Mama” creepy?

Hate to say it, but D&D made the right decision and maintained a holistic vision for the show’s ending. Excellent direction would have been jarring alongside piddle-poor writing.

I like this story because in a way it’s uniquely American. It’s about sporting excellence, pride in your accomplishments and not even pretending to understand the concept of moderation.

Unpopular Opinion: Those cookies look great... a semi-crunchy outside and soft middle.

The real problem here is the inconsistency in how penalties are levied. Drivers make bad decisions all the time that take other drivers out of the race and it gets called a racing incident.

“Sadly, I get the feeling a .45 would have been a more useful tool”