
OMG he name (title?) dropped his book THREE times in that apology.

Anyone else still read it as “Frye” at first?

I’m hoping this fucks up Lady Gaga’s chances at an Oscar this year, seeing as how she not only collaborated on a song with him a couple of years ago, but also made a video with him and Terry Richardson that was so fucking creepy her own people were like “honey no we cannot put this out there”, AND THEN had the

How you gonna leave Latrice Motherfucking Royale

Linsey G’s lovers need to go public. At this point that is the only thing that will get him to shut up and have the rethugs turn on him. And at this point and with him being in Putin’s pocket too.. we need that.

THIS. Kat Von D outed herself as an anti-vaxxer right after dropping a gorgeous (and expensive!) anniversary collection that I was saving up for. Did I buy those items? Nope! But did I toss my perfectly good Tattoo Liner or liquid lipsticks? Also no! Because that shit was $20 each and never. ever. smudges.

If Trump feels McCain is getting too much attention and upstaging him, he should feel free to join him.

Oh please. Like the white supremacists attending this rally are going to go to Founding Farmers to spend $12.50 on a grilled cheese sandwich! If those scared white boys spend any money in DC, it will be with street vendors selling Trump swag and maybe snacks from one of the many CVS’s near the White House. They will

Still think she should just 'give him a call' Bobby? Cutting that guy out of her life seems a very wise decision.

He was selling stories and doing interviews/pap walks with TMZ through the engagement and wedding (which he pulled out of last minute). If he just shut his mouth he would have a relationship. It’s because he sucks. 

This. Jezebel is actually the place where I learbed what toxic person is, how to deal when you have toxic family members and realized that I’m not crazy, there are people like that in the world. To read-on the same site-this bullshit of an opinion (I love you Bobby, but this really is total miss), is just so

Dear Thomas Markle,

No, Meghan doesn’t have to do anything regarding her family to make you or anyone else feel better.

Golly, i wonder what could possibly be making people feel suicidal these days. In addition to increasing alcoholism, drug use, depression, and insomnia. It's like there's something that has happened that is causing more than half the country to feel bereft and hopeless.

Same in LA. I talked for a while with an older Japanese-American woman as the march went past Little Tokyo, which is right next to the ICE center - she mentioned how ironic that it was there - it was the same detention center that had locked up their families in the ‘40s.

A lot of my guy friends told me I was crazy on election night because through my sobs I was saying “they’re going to take away our healthcare, they’re going to take away Roe, they’re going to take away gay marriage.” This shit is real, this shit has consequences.

This isn’t merely a ‘difference of opinions’. We’re not talking about whether or not taxes should be high, or if a department we like should/shouldn’t get it’s funding cut. When you publicly advocate for concentration camps for children, public scorn and rejection should be the default response and the bare minimum of

Not if her brother’s been to visit!

Exactly! I don’t know why this is pisses me off so much. Like we fucking told you! We told you about Donald trump too before the election. Goddammit. 

From last season no less.  Peasant.