
I was like there is no way this video is going to live up to your write up. I was wrong, holy shit!

My first thought when I heard of his passing was sadness that great man had died. My second was Trump better keep his name out of his out of his fucking mouth.

they are both trash. I mainly watch beauty videos on YouTube. So I wasnt familiar with Shane but after reading his wetback tweet....he can die in a fire. 

how the fuck does one expect to be sat right away at a restaurant on mother’s day?!

Only announcing a three show tour for a band that is so beloved and meant so much to so many people was a mistake.  

Just got home from DC, damn it was hot but worth it. My family sought asylum in the 80's so this hits home for me and when the crowd started chanting something about welcoming immigrants...I almost lost my shit.

Thats not her

Born to kill and wanting to be a Marine; guessing Full Metal Jacket is his favorite movie

Maggie shot Mr. Burns!

This motherfucker missed the birth of his son to be with Trump. Hope it was worth it.

Happy birthday Donald

my good girl

times like these I really wish I believed in hell.

guess I’m going shopping!

as a restaurant worker, a plus is I don’t have to deal with pro trump coworkers cuz we all hate him. I work at a popular maryland restaurant and I’ve told my boss I refuse to serve any Kellyanne, Steve types. my refugee spic ass will quit on the spot before I wait on them.

mooselambs...will always be funny

I wish Anna Wintour wouldn’t go.

don’t forget to use ebates for 4% cash back

don’t forget to use ebates for 4% cash back

I really don’t know what to do with all this dread and heartache I’m feeling.

blonde ambition