
I also loved Carnival, but I don't know the size it has in the charts.

I haven't had the chance to read Amadeus Cho as Hulk until last week, but the fact that, at some point he calls himself Chulk (Cho+Hulk) make me laught way more than it should.

She will always be casted as Monica Rambeau in my imaginary N.E.X.T.W.A.V.E. movie.

My favorite sketch of her was "Flirty" with Kyle Mooney, about two neighbors trying to tell how they felt. Also, "Golden Globes" with Adam Driver.

But Slott received death treats for telling that story. A story that was hated at first but turned out great, or just fine. I start reading Cap after Civil War 2 ended and the idea that Kobik didn't make the change out of malice, but because she wanted Cap to be "perfect", changing his origin in the process. That's a

Dan Slott said something about Superior Spider-Man similar to Secret Empire: "It's not over yet. Wait and see how it ends. It didn't help. It just pissed more people off"

And misspelled is Act.

After so many turns and stairs, I was waiting for Jordan Schlansky at the end, drinking coffee.

4 weddings and a funeral, just because John Hanna.

I think it's because of the main lines, if Avengers, X-Men and Spidey are bad, then Marvel as a whole is bad, but they put 20-25 solid books every month, mostly independent of the crossovers.

Marvel has done a very good job with female heroes in recent years to disregard their efforts for the lack of female writers. Soule's She-Hulk, Mockingbird, Black Widow, Squirrel-Girl, Spider-Woman, Silk, Hellcat, Scarlet Witch, Ms. Marvel, even surprises like Gwen-Pool.

I felt the same way about Steranko last november.

My favorite in the last few years was the one with Bill Murray and Matt Damon, doing Monuments Men's Promotion.

Rainy Lenny, from Tonkatsu Dj Agetarou, an anime about a kid that wants to be a DJ while working in the family business, a tonkatsu (deep-fried pork cutlet) stand. The music has a retro vibe, perfect if you like Nujabes, but nothing in the serie work as perfect as "Rainy Lenny", which starts with a sampling of the

Vision, Patsy Walker, Squirrel Girl, Mockingbird, Black Panther, from Marvel.

Hasn't Afghanistan suffered enough tragedies?

They're shown for 5 seconds, but the Naked Gun opening credits deserve more credit, they're awesome.

The chase after Mack needed more fluidity, like the one with Coulson a few episodes back and I didn't like some of the angles as well. I like the pacing of the first middle much more than the second one, when it lags a little. Regardless, great episode.

Being critical is one thing, and greatly appreciated, but some critics are tired of the Marvel formula and can't see past through it and discard every effort made for every new movie.

I missed Jay Pharoah in Black Jeopardy, but Hank's execution was perfect. My favorite after Louis CK.