Carly Sagan

I was thinking the exact same thing. That asshole needs to be arrested for perjury and billed back the costs for the first trial. He fully admitted under oath last week that he had already made up his mind before the trial even started. As others have said, this guy had no business being on that jury.

There is a to get him disbarred.

I was so hoping someone would mention the status of this guy’s law license. I really hope the the state bar throws the book at him and yanks his license for wasting Kamala Harris’s time like this.

Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. See Prop 8 which did pass and banned gay marriage for a time in California. It was able to get on the ballot largely due to the help of organizations from out of state.

Agreed but the way our system works he was still required to disclose that the event happened.

In my opinion the bigger issue is that Todd Easter admitted on the stand last week that he had already made up his mind about their guilt even before the start of the trial. He then went on to be elected jury foreman where his opinions likely had some influence on the other jurors.

More likely is that the guy came forward as an act of revenge against Todd Easter (the juror) rather than to help out Brandon Vandenberg. It appears that he’s still pissed at him for the original rape conviction that Easter stated was a consensual relationship even though he was underage. I’m guessing he’s trying to

They’re definitely not going to walk. The first jury took just three hours to find them guilty I believe on all counts. It’s a slam dunk case for the prosecution.

Someone tried to pull that on me once after 6 months of dating. I knew what he was doing but I still left a message saying I was really worried and if I didn’t hear back I was coming over there with the police to make sure he hadn’t injured himself in his apartment. It worked and I was able to tell him off the way he

Out of curiosity, what were the impersonal presents if you don’t mind my asking? He sounds like a guy I dated who was an engineer. One year for my birthday he got me a gift certificate to get my car detailed at a fancy carwash.

I’d love it if even one of my exes had ever freaked out. Technically, I am the one who broke up with them but each time I did they were like, “OK, thanks. Take care.”

The way they say, “the opponent” makes it sound like that even at this early stage that person already has a lock on the nomination for their party which could only be Hillary so I don’t think this could be her.

He started a chain reaction. There is video of the accident that was taken by a passing bus and it has since come out that he rearended a stopped car which then hit a Hummer in fromt of it. It was the Hummer that hit the lady head on and killed her.

I’m confused. If they’re married isn’t she already entitled to half his bank account? Why can’t she go out and buy a $10,000 table any damn time she feels like it? Bonus or not, If they got divorced he would lay claim to half that table as a marital asset.

Madeleine Albright is just so perfect.

Your comment is completely fascinating. Any books you can recommend on this subject?

all I know is that I am loving that Donald Trump has already started the not born in America attacks.

completely agree and I never miss her show, mainly because I love seeing her gorgeous house and the random scenes they film around East Hampton since I'd love to visit some day. I just get the feeling that she's not the most comfortable in her own skin. Her small talk and nervous laugh even around her own friends is

please elaborate or at least cite some sources for this off-camera version of which you speak.

Why cant my boyfriend be more like Jeffrey? Every time she makes him something he always states how it's the best one he's ever had.