Carly Sagan

There’s a great 15 min podcast from the LA Times reporting on why her husband is such a shyster - “The Times” episode #68

I guess I was thinking more about the folks on the lower end of the food chain like admins and the mail room. To me it just sounded like he shut down the company to get back at his employees. A real class act that guy.

But aren’t they all out of a job now? I’m thoroughly confused every time I read about this story in that there isn’t more emphasis on the fact that this dickhead chose to further punish a lot of innocent people by putting them out of work right before Christmas rather than just step down.

And you know she had next to nothing to do with the conception, design, manufacturing, etc., of any of these clothes. I’m sure that once the work was done she just sat in a room with a bunch of executives and said, “yes, yes, no, yes” and that was the extent of her involvement as a “fashion designer”.

I dont want this to come off as victim blaming because I do agree with your comment, I would add though that a lot of beautiful women never bother to take the time to learn their craft when they’re young. Later on they just end up as middle aged bad actresses. The exceptions you mention didn’t make this fatal mistake

That’s an even better idea! And if the child were born gay or transgender it would just be the icing on the cake.

This guy so thoroughly articulates everything I feel about Ted Cruz. I’ll even forgive his use of the word jelly without any trace of irony.

Amazing how is brand is built around his supposed self confidence yet the guy is so insecure he cant allow himself to go bald.

Aint it good to be the coach?

Respectfully disagree. I’m putting one less car on the road which uses less fossil fuels and also extending the life of my vehicle so I don’t have to buy a new one as quickly.

Respectfully disagree. I’m putting one less car on the road which uses less fossil fuels and also extending the life

Not sad at all. That just sounds like good time management to me.

Not sad at all. That just sounds like good time management to me.

Or vote!

And I thought our mayor in Malibu who ran around a grocery store parking lot in nothing but a speedo while trying to stab people with a screwdriver was bad. At least he never raped someone on their birthday.

Well that would certainly explain a lot. And my apologies btw to the people of Kansas for this rant. I just really cant stand that guy.

Is one of them (not Rick Perry) currently running for president?

Wait, what? What kind of bumper sticker costs $100?

Great point. And at the same time I’m done feeling sorry for the people of Kansas who reelected that asshole to a second term while the whole state was already in a downward spiral from his policies because they got what they derserved with this man.

He’s been taking online courses at the Hulk Hogan School of Law.

Is this a youtube link you can share?