Carly Sagan

what a dick.

Every time I hear a story like this I think about the states where adoption by great gay parents is illegal but this shit for brains can have as many kids as she wants.

I know its mean to laugh when people fall but she takes herself so seriously all the time I couldn't hekp but let out a little giggle. Glad she's OK but feeling soooo sorry for whoever was on the receiving end of the verbal backlash when that song was over.

I'd throw bricks too if anyone tried to take my All-Clad 3 qt. saucier.

or google neil bush savings and loan crisis if you'd like to get really pissed off

Is the magnifying glass supposed to find the hidden toxins in my food?

because in Florida even if there was gross negligence involved, so long as the gun went off "accidentally" it's not considered a criminal act.

jesus christ, Texas. Is it really necessary for your lawmakers to go through all of this just to prevent one woman from providing hospice care so she can be at the bedside of the woman she loves before she dies? This is really sickening.

I always say I could never live outside California because of the rest of the country's views on politics, guns, religion, etc. but now I remember it's really because I wouldn't last 5 minutes in that kind of weather. My old co-workers who worked in East coast offices told stories about having to get up extra early

there's no misconception. If southerners really felt that way they wouldn't keep electing the folks to office who insist on taking it.

that's one of the many parts of his logic I really don't get. He doesn't want LGBT to marry each other but he'd be OK if a gay man married his daughter?

I'm sure they would love to. The only thing stopping them is that they receive $2 for every $1 they pay to the federal government. That means they'd have to raise taxes just to maintain the same level of shitty care they currently have.

I came here to say the same thing. He's the ball washer that Jon Stewart called out for announcing he'd have to raise pizza prices "to cover the costs of the affordable care act." Turns out it was only going to cost him arount $0.27 per pizza.

And once again Alabama officials come down on the wrong side of history. Will we see next the national guard escorting same sex couples into thecourt house to receive their licenses?

Are you talking about this one? They still sell it. I too would love to see some real world pics of how this turned out on wedding day.

you're not suggesting these look like dolphin shorts are you?

my thought exactly.

I guess at my age nothing should surprise me but finding out he's also a climate change denier was also a big bummer.

As I mentioned above, you should try it because they're actually super fun. If you do it potluck style they're not even that much work.

I didn't go to or have many dinner parties in my 20's or 30's either. Probably because half my friends wouldn't have even the slightest clue of how to plan, shop and prepare an entire meal for more than 1 person and the rest were just way too broke to afford hosting a large gathering. Now I do it all the time. It's