It's not "Wiltshire". Just Wilshire.
Living in Malibu you would think we'd have a ton of great stories but because a) we're poor and b) most of the restaurants suck here, we don't go out much but here are a few boring ones....
I just can't see this ever happening. From the interviews I've seen LL completely lacks not only the coping mechanisms but also any sort of critical thinking skills necessary to move forward in life. Very sad actually.
it's right up there with Rural Juror!
ugh, hit publish by accident but the above paste is from pointing out that the case only moved forward after surveillance video was discovered by accident.
Rumors about what happened quickly spread around campus, and the assault might have gone unnoticed had the university not stumbled onto the closed-circuit TV images several days later in an unrelated attempt to learn who damaged a dormitory door. The images showed players carrying an unconscious woman into an elevator…
Oh I have to read this story now. Where I can I find it?
Yes but I'm sure these kids left the housekeeping staff a big tip to clean all this up when they left so it all evens out.
That's what I was thinking. Suddenly I feel a lot less nervous that someone younger and smarter will come along and take my job.
this looks like something you'd find on the Rich Kids of Instagram page.
You're so right. I just listened to the whole speech and it's actually so much worse than what Jon Stewart highlights in the clip. I was thinking the crowd must be saying to themselves, "What in the world is she talking about?" but then they bust out chanting "Sarah!, Sarah!"
I posted this link downthread but now that you mention it I think you guys are right. She honestly sounds like she might have had a stroke.
It gets so much better! Daily Banter did a much longer recap which is hilarious.
I thought it was the lack of money that was the route of all evil?
I'm waiting for Lindsay Lohan to tweet out something about Snow Storm Sally and that everyone should just suck it up.
maybe I'm just not tech savvy enough but this doesn't seem that hard to figure out - especially if it is someone you actually know. After that you file a cease and desist or a criminal restraining order or something, no?
I could almost get behind this except I saw an interview a few months ago where she admits she's never taken a single acting class and another where she blames Emma Stone for stealing all the roles that were meant for her.
Yes, you can vow to only post natural, unretouched selfies. I'm sure you're beautiful just the way you are.
who is this person?