Believe it or not, it doesn’t actually have to be a competition. She looked beautiful, many other women also looked beautiful. The end.
Believe it or not, it doesn’t actually have to be a competition. She looked beautiful, many other women also looked beautiful. The end.
Madonna and Katy Perry’s dresses are too similar, no? I’d be pissed at Moschino.
Can we talk about these two?
An open-casket funeral service costs more, because of all the processing and rigging of the deceased’s remains that has to take place for it. Either the morticians responsible were too confident in their own middling abilities, or they were just trying to get paid as much as they could in exchange for shitty,…
Ah. I am one of the four people in the United States who did not watch 30 Rock.
The husband/father was quite an abusive weirdo, so that probably played a part in it. While my friend’s mom was sort of recognizable as herself, Calista looked nothing like herself. She still looked mangled. I’ve read where people will want to have open casket funerals after very disfiguring deaths, and I just don’t…
But is there even any indication he is good at the sex? Because some men who are that pretty think they do not have to do any work. Which gets them sideye and a boot out of bed, but there you go.
That headline ain’t kidding - these are grim as fuck.
Grandpa wanted to be cremated, Grammy wanted him buried. He died first so she won. 90+ year old mortician made him look like a dessicated David Bowie (from The Hunger) complete with glue stuck to lips and visible autopsy stitches in scalp. We were all sickened. Grandpa won round 2.
My dentist told me my teeth are so crammed together that I will “never stop getting cavities” unless I get braces or something to fix them. I also have some kind of snaggle tooth that sometimes sticks out even if my mouth is closed.
Then I guess you’re not a fan of porn gifs either?
The only way I ever want to follow my dreams to a “sweet grill” is if it ends in “cheese sandwich.”
A story that gives me an excuse to gaze at my sweet, dumb, and patriotic as hell Lochte is a good story.
see now this feels more like a proper Florida Story
Home wrecker forever.!
I read Paper Towns after finding out he was cast too, and after I read it I thought he was a great pick for Q. I don’t know if Cara Delevingne can act but I think she is beautiful and the trailer looked good so I guess we’ll see!
You’ve put it perfectly.