Only monsters don’t like Chipotle if we’re being honest here
Only monsters don’t like Chipotle if we’re being honest here
I have unfollowed and/or unfriended quite a few people who constantly post stuff about how “[Random obscure fruit/oil/herb/whatever] can cure cancer! Click to hear what pharmaceutical companies DON’T want you to know.” At first it was slightly amusing, but it keeps spreading like a stupidity virus and I have no…
I feel like I wrote this because it is so dead-on to my experience (although as a lady and not an Adequate Man). Also probably going to eat ice cream for dinner tonight, so.
I wish that they'd make a Looking spin-off reality show starring Mark and Allen a la The Real L Word, only not terrible.
I have been in your shoes and it is such a difficult choice to make. I really feel for you. Good luck.
My dad is probably going to watch this Vine 50 times today and laugh at the “Let It Go” joke every single one of them.
Gonna be one ugly series.
It’s ENDLESS, too. I’ve never bought anything from any of them, but one friend convinces another mutual friend to join them and it just never stops.
I was *thisclose*to quitting Facebook until I found out about it. Now I can creep on my high school friends and look at people’s vacation pics in relative peace.
Oh no, essential oils? I think I’m going to have to preemptively add that to the list. That has yet to creep into my Facebook feed but now I’m scared.
Well hey, if it makes you happy, who am I to judge?
I’m hoping it’s just tabloid nonsense like usual. I agree about the ring thing, too. So annoying. Some people don’t like wearing jewelry every day, but for most people, going to the gym or grocery store without your ring isn’t going to result in your picture on the front of a tabloid with the headline, “[So-and-so]…
Here’s a link for you. I was on the verge of quitting Facebook until I heard about this thing. It works on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, and Maxthon.
Who doesn’t?!
Thx :-*
Harriet Tubman plz
They are one of my favorite totally random celeb couples and I will be SO DISAPPOINTED OMG PLEASE DO NOT GET DIVORCED