Carlos Esparza Espinoza

I have a small Facebook community for local Pokémon Breeders were I currently live (Santiago of Chile) and already showed your post to the rest of the guys to start thinking about going official. There's a few big Pokémon events going on already but no official Sanctioned tournaments and that's definitely worth the

This so awesome and your writting is so encouraging that i feel like quitting my job RIGHT NOW and dedicating my life to be a local Pokémon League Manager D:

Me too, but i also feel the complexity itself is taking a lot of fun away. You not only need to experience the game, but also need to learn from the game in order to get the best of it. It gives me the "I'm just not enough" kind of feeling :c

I couldn't agree more. I would have loved if the pokémon walked in circles facing each other in a slow-paced menacing stance...


THAT bitch. At least she could have asked him to talk about it later, but that cold blooded sl*t called security lol.

"Curved corners would be a design."