Carlos SpicyWiener

The fact that, by the time these kids become legal adults, they won’t have to deal with a Trump Presidency. Not to mention that, according to life expectancy statistics, he is very likely to have died, already gives them a huge advantage for not abusing booze and drugs.

You could have offered most kids a piece of gum and they would have done this.

Look, I know you flat-out don’t like him, but I’m sorry, he’s quite clearly not in early-stage dementia.

Wait, which one of those is the wealthy one?

also he’s practically an illiterate. 

Yup. What does it say that the president is too disorganized to indict?

It is quite simple. Neither of them believe the BS they are spewing. They are just grifters playing both sides so as to optimize their future income sources. Kellyanne is playing the role of the far right Trump supporter and her husband is playing the anti-Trump role. No matter how post 2020/2024 turns out, they will

Kind of like the Westboro Baptist Church. If they try to protest your funeral, you lived right.

To be honest, I’m not sure if the one about windmills is worse than this one. It’s just a complete rejection of the reality surrounding him.

Press Presses Press Sec Into PR Disaster Re: PR Disaster

The current “strategy” for the White House regarding having to turn over documents is to ignore them. That’s why the House Democrats are having such a hard time getting info on Trump. They make the request, deadline passes, they ask again and get a new deadline. Nothing is going to happen until Trump’s White House is

I think Occam would like a word.

Your sarcasm meter is broken.


Some redactions will be necessary—whether to protect ongoing investigations, informants, or innocent parties. If it truly isn’t submitted for a privilege review, then whatever redacted copy the Congress receives will likely be the most complete document that can be legally distributed.

That said, I’m not going to give

I’m just not sure that there are enough armed cops at that obviously volatile event.

At least it was a phrase in German that JFK messed up.

May your cock always continue to swing in my face.