Carlos SpicyWiener

Agreed. I was in the marching band at my University (Kansas State). There were 362 of us the year we went to The Pin Stripe Bowl. The cost to fly us there from Kansas would have been 300,000 on a chartered flight, so the Athletic Department opted to bus us the 30 hour drive and it cost $100,000. We also sent two

A guy I work with went on a vacation to Mexico last week. He was back today and told me about a guy from Texas he met there on the trip and had a conversation with. They talked about trump and the Texas guy said “you know, my guy (trump) is really fucking up. But it’s hard for me to admit that because then that

You have the complexion of an outdoor basketball that has been left in the rain

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Let’s fill in the rest.

I was thinking that too. This guy isn’t big...does he have a gun? What’s giving him so much confidence and why isn’t he getting the living shit kicked out of him??

“I think the furor Fuhrer at the presidential level has sort of exacerbated this feeling and given a platform for those who might not have spoken out so aggressively.”

Yeah but doesn’t the dog still face capital punishment? If you bit trump you’d get a few years in prison (maybe more since he’s the president) if your dog bit trump he’d be put down next week. All while the real criminal walks free.

Pictured: eric trump. Person. But a fucking ugly person.

Another reminder to anyone who works or will work for trump - he demands loyalty and gives none in return.

Yeah I was thinking about that one too. But trump is a showman. A reality TV star of the lowest caliber. He wants an audience. I think Nixon was just drunk on his power as a life long politician who had sought the Oval Office for years. trump falls somewhere in there, where he wants to play reality TV star, but

At some point this is going to go down like Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men. He wants to admit it all, he wants to prove to us that if he orders something then it must be carried out because he is the president.

“I’m a very tall and strong man, with large hands, so much stamina, and a great temperament. I have a winning temperament, and James Comey isn’t taller than me so I fired him!” - trump (probably)

“What are our shared values?,” Carlson added a few minutes later. “If you believe in multiculturalism, then, by definition, you are not going to rise to defend your culture because it is equal to every other culture.”

I second that. Fuck Daylight Savings Time.

There was a big ant hill where I used to mow, and when I went over it the ants just got pissed. The tiny rage storm that bubbled up from underground was always impressive to watch.

The only election that are really safe from interference are the ones where the winners are chosen ahead of time. Looking at you, Putin.

Man I loved this game. Just a month or two ago I was watching playthroughs on youtube to get my Lego Island fix! The thing I loved about this game and many that came after it was the free roam option. Looking back it seems like most of my favorite games all had some sort of free roam aspect. I loved Perfect Dark,

Employees will be paid extra for the voluntary program, and offered overtime pay as necessary to make the deliveries,