
I am an old Phil Dick fan, and binged on the first season on Prime. I was initially disappointed by how little the story resembled the novel. I went through it at one episode per day, and thought about it 3 weeks later.

There are also Dipshits who import the hogs to have something to shoot at. They would be very happy to breed them to collect bounty.

If you have to stay 46 cm away from the pole, it will have to be a robot stripper.

When I wash my pillows, I have to squeeze/wring water out of them by hand before I put them in the dryer. They hold a lot of water and take forever to dry without this.

Boring physics of it:

Dvd ?

If the engine is spinning while off, when coasting, by a locked-up torque converter, the valves must be held open, and the engine is still pumping air, without any fuel from the injectors ? So there are friction and viscosity losses from the air moving through the engine ?

Yeah, but the ones that are left are better Christians. Dumber, but better Christians. Been that way for over a hundred years. See the results.

Sorry, surrounding states are Indiana, Ohio, WV and Tennessee. Need the plane to Illinois, or a very long drive west.

Let me peek out of the SciFi closet, and say these are very good places to look for derelict spacecraft. 

I saw it in a movie theater during a very hot, dry summer. There is a scene in an upside down riverboat in the rain. First time I felt cool in weeks.

I am just gonna be cynical and recall “Cold Fusion”. I came home from work, heard the report on the TV news, and said “Someone is gonna win a Nobel for this !”. 

No, Los Alamos, A-Bomb is in New Mexico. Lawrence-Livermore was Teller’s Superbomb lab, located away from that Commie Oppenheimer, in California.

Lawrence-Livermore lab is also in California. They don’t just have satellites, THEY HAVE THE H-BOMB ! Don’t mess with Jerry, he’s on drugs.

As one of the few people still sane who have actually read the book, the Man in the High Castle is the author of “The Grasshopper Lies Heavy”, a novel that does not exist (so far) in the video. It has been replaced by the newsreel films, as a plot device.

I use a software router. I have a “desktop” computer, running linux, with extra ethernet nic’s, and software named DNSMASQ running.

I use a software router. I have a “desktop” computer, running linux, with extra ethernet nic’s, and software named

In makefiles, tab is REQUIRED in rules. Or the stupid thing does not process them. And yes, make is stupid and archaic. I will welcome its replacement. I do not expect it to be replaced, too many build methods are based on it, and its many “features”, such as tab.

How about Wilford Brimley and the flying saucer, built out of helicopter spare parts ? (The Thing, 1982 version)

2016-1958 = 58, not 42.

Unless you are buying gunpowder to reload shotgun shells. And new primers for the shells. Protected by 2nd amendment in most places.