
In the 50's it was Atom Bombs, punching holes in the atmosphere, and throwing fallout into the Stratosphere. I may be quoting a pop song from those days.

The word is “endothermic”, the reaction consumes heat. Actually the “latent heat of fusion”, it is a phase change.

So after you solve the boom problem, you can tackle fuel consumption.

Why not Interstate 69 ? It has already destroyed manufacturing jobs, why not destroy transport jobs, too ?

I agree, with two caveats:

I agree, with two caveats:

Does it generate electricity and charge batteries ?

Escuse pleez: How can you charge from a solar panel at night ?

You are assuming the stores will be located in retail settings, as in Mall. Perhaps they plan adding a retail front end to their warehouses. I have 3-5 within driving distance.

And there was a Wimpy’s nearby. The onions, the onions, no other burger like them.

Escuz, plz, I thought a federal judge ruled MS was violating anti-trust law. Must have been back in the last century.

No, there will be wifi shelf tags, with remotely updated prices.

Temps upstairs are much lower. -80c to -100c are not impossible.

I think I saw that movie. It was called Metropolis. I will hunt for a still.

Any criticism of SF has to pass Ted Sturgeon’s 90% rule. When asked “How can you write that stuff, 90% of it is crap”. Ted responded “90% of everything is crap.”

If it is a DC generator, why does the control room have a power factor (Cos theta) gauge ?

He was the Devil in “Damn Yankees” ?

Agreed. I could not see well enough, I thought they could also be Yakuza tattoos. But with the exhortation to continue mediation, he may be from another ... As was the Doppelganger of ? Teresa ?, that Mom knew was still alive, despite the body in the mass grave.

Good. Now I will find what is on the Man from Nagasaki’s arm.

“The C Programming Language” by Kernighan and Ritchie. A description of the most useful programming language, and a introduction to using it.

Where do I sign up ?