
1951 Studebaker. This is the front end. Nobody was sure which was the back end. Perhaps why cars had Tail Fins later in the decade.

Allow the authors of Windows, the most defective software in history to operate nuclear power plants ? Chernobyl was a just a wet firecracker.

Meijer’s has frozen Gino’s East pizza, which I buy regularly. As a former Chicagoan, I know what they are supposed to taste like. My suggestion is to cook the Meijer’s pizza a bit longer than recommenced.

I had one for lunch, but our State has all indoor dining closed. So we ate lunch in the front seat of the car, in the McD parking lot. Very nostalgic and messy.

I think each door should be filled with a tranquilizer pill, to keep us calm until the horror ends. Maybe with increasing dosage as things get crazier as Jan 20 approaches.

Presto made an appliance called a Hot Dogger, back in the 1970's that did exactly that. I used one, semi successfully a couple of times. It “cooked” the dogs very unevenly.

You are no fun.

I am thoroughly reckless, I put my small, old George Foreman grill in the dishwasher. It just gets greasy and yucky from use.

The M570 is too small for my hand, and Intel Clear Linux does not recognize it. I am still working on Udev to correct Intel.

The Horse People buy Fly Predators, a small Wasp that lays eggs in Fly Larvae.

Only in your coffee. With a raw egg, plus the shell. Hangover cure. Plus aspirin. Followed by tomato juice, and 2 hrs more sleep.

“An infinite number of monkeys would produce all the works of Shakespeare !”. What works would an infinite number of cats produce ? 

Goto their website, tell them your zipcode. They will tell you the closest store. They also have online ordering and delivery.

The Bababadook ? Essie Davis is only familiar to Americans as Miss Fisher on PBS. Movie will scare your shorts off.

Anybody tried smoking them yet ?

World Market used to sell a coffee soda in bottles, that they imported from Italy. They don’t sell it any more, but I have a couple of bottles left, waiting for me to chill and drink. It has a bit of sugar in it, but it still tastes a bit bitter. Needs refrigeration, and lots of ice.

I had a cat and a dog that were both pizza fiends. They had been homeless, and recognized good leftovers when they smelled it. They were friends, so they would share.

And you are a troll.

I will just talk about your statement that all religion is dangerous. I believe this not because all religions have some form of racism in there basic tenants, but because religion requires people to believe things that are not testable as facts. Not things that are false, but things that are not testable or

Bottle, with long neck. That is the way my grandpa drank beer, and let me drink a bit of it, when I was little. Grandpa, and the brand of beer he drank, Stroh’s Fire Brewed, out of Detroit, are both gone, but I still want beer in a longneck.