
I would also wonder about Ozone production.

One of The Greatest Authors of the 20th Century ? Perhaps, but “Starship Troopers” was Bob jumping the shark. The rest of his work was politically questionable or borderline porn. I respect the man as much as you do, but I recognize the change in quality and intent between “Troopers” and his earlier work.

There is a modern replacement for this 1980’s clunk, the ti nspire. Color, symbolic algebra, spreadsheets, USB port and much more. Since it can be used to store answers, it is not allowed for SAT or other standardized tests. SAT acceptance is what keeps the ti83 alive, it would have been junked decades ago, otherwise.

Try your local Half Price Books. They will offer you a low, but fair price on your old books. Usually enough to pay for gas and a cheeseburger. And you may find a few used books you want.

You could just turn off the WiFi or Ethernet on your existing computer. Turn it back on when you are done. Remember what Mom said, “No TV or phone until your homework is done.”

Sounds like the Lockheed proposal of a few months ago. I repeat my cynicism, “Fusion Energy is 15 to 20 years away, and has been 15 to 20 years away, for about 70 years now.”

Giving Phil credit for “Metafiction” is a bit much. He wrote what he thought or imagined, he was not “Meta” or ironic about it.

Yes, but he is Black Adder. The other guy is Baldrick, a dogsbody.

Excuse, pleeze. Having been an industrial worker, US tech is metric. It’s the old guys who still use SAE wrenches and calipers. “English” measurements exit only at retail.

The name is “Trinity and Beyond”. Nuke Porn.

And a courtyard on the West side of the library has the Moore Sculpture, at the site of Fermi’s Atomic Pile. The Atomic Age started there. But that’s facts, not political drivel. How boring.

Many of the neighborhoods not far from the University, such as Woodlawn, are empty. They burned down and depopulated years ago. One of the proposals shown above puts the library on 63rd Street, at the terminus of the El. The El used to go farther East, but a bridge over the Illinois Central Rail line failed, and the

It says, right here in the Koran ...

You drink it straight, once. After you recover, find something, anything to mix it with. Other than paint. Hawaiian Punch is the classical choice. Almost any fruit juice or syrup will do. Try to dilute below 40% alcohol (80 proof). It is LESS likely to produce hangover than other liquors, there are no higher (than

I am looking forward to the rapture, so I will have a thousand years without Michele and the rest of the Bible Thumpers. Who cares about trials and tribulations if I will not have to these BLEEPs hypocritizing.

How about "Man rides horse to (burger chain name removed), walks home." New meaning to "What-a-burger" (oops).

And this is why "Mainstream" literature considers SciFi a ghetto literature, read by asocial retards. They are right.

How about plain old Aluminum foil ? Those freaks are not wearing tinfoil hats because they look attractive.

There’s another way, simpler:

Rand’s Motto: