
It will take 20 years, not 10. Kentucky is always 10 years behind the times.

Be prepared to learn a lot about the tools used to manufacture software: editors, compilers, linkers, debuggers. The middle two are the sausage machines that turn the cuts of meat (source code) into something the the computer can digest. Editor and debugger are the things you will have to stare at, and push buttons

Aside from the golden statue honoring the local God, Col. Sanders, by the hospital, we have a large meteor crater about 4 mi. East of town. It is about 2 1/2 mi. in diameter, and 420 million years old (late Ordovician). It is called Jeptha's Knob, an 800 foot high hill, the remains of the central peak.

Gather them all up in one place, to make it easier to take them all out with one bomb. Actually, the "Secret" location was the Greenbrier resort in West Virginia. Plan failed when it was not longer secret. Same for Mount Weather, and Cheney's "Undisclosed Location"

"I suppose we'll find out in another 60 years. Provided we're lucky enough to avoid nuclear war in the first place."

After I heard about the film, I bought a new copy at Books-A-Million, with a $2 copy of the I Ching. The Teenage Hipster at the checkout recognized neither. Can't even make decent Hipsters anymore, this country is going to ...

Wisconsin will be about the same. Maybe the beer will be better.

It is as real as the Apollo landings. Duck ! Incoming !

Hyperloop !

I an not sure, but an eReader or tablet that can act as an USB host should be able to operate an USB floppy drive. I can't test this, I do not have such a tablet, but I do have an USB floppy.

Read again. I said "coal burning". I narrowed the topic to avoid nukes.

I would narrow it to coal burning, mobile steam, mostly trains. Steam locomotives spent about 1/3 of their time in the shop. What finally killed them was maintenance cost. Diesel electric was much cheaper. Similar for steam tractors.

Yah, he was discussing his death ray with them. Quoth Chas Addams: "Death ray, fiddlesticks. It doesn't even slow them down."

Leslie Nielsen as Morbius in a "Forbidden Planet" remake. If he could play it straight.

She also allowed and encouraged "The Blues Brothers" filming, even closing down the Loop on Labor day weekend in 1978 to film car stunts and Nat Guard in Civic Center plaza. There is a pic of her and daughter in fedoras from the film.

There's Waldo !

Addison, Il has turned their radar site into a park. Named "Nike Park", nothing to do with the shoes

I actually watched the video, this time. I live in a town founded by Squire Boone.

No, that was Davy Crockett, or Fess Parker.

Looks like a plain old Plasma Mirror to me. Seen it before, in '58 ? Ah, well, fusion energy is 10 years away, has been 10 years away for 60 years now.