Of all the cars a proper and true Jalop wanted to see get sideways in the Carousel ... the white estate fucked it up and almost went into the wall.
Of all the cars a proper and true Jalop wanted to see get sideways in the Carousel ... the white estate fucked it up and almost went into the wall.
Only a sith deals in absolutes..... I will do what I must
Isn’t Starbucks one of the best case scenarios for lower wage workers? It was my understanding that they have been offering benefits and stuff for years before anyone gave that to service industry workers.
The ‘fucking lawyers’ were hired by the fucking assholes who fucking hated their fucking neighbor’s fucking garage, you fucking dunce.
I’ve heard of the 523, 528, 535, and 550 but never the 529. Is that a diesel or something? :)
If he was hellaflush, it would have been a lot easier and the contact patch for the wheel would finally be flat.
It’s amphibious, FWD on land, RWD in the water.
I like my dog to have the optional active center differential.
I don’t know man, to each their own, but there’s a wonderful thing about a car that fits like an old glove.
This is quite possibly the most idiotic and nonsensical automotive rant I’ve ever come across.
Still have no idea why people don’t get this... engine braking on a long, steep grade, appropriate. Anywhere else, just speeding up mechanical failure.
Brakes are cheaper and easier to replace than transmissions.
Why is shifting an automatic transmission the “proper” way to use it? Is it that stupid to believe that the trans can hit itself automatically?
Think you missed that Miatas AREN’T FWD
I would pay good money to see a racing series in which you could use these on your opponents.
Won’t work on Toyotas. No clearance to slide the net to the wheels since the cars are grounded to the ground.
What? You know there is such a thing as thermal expansion that takes place as the metal in the motor warms and gets to operating temps, right? That isn’t something that can be accounted for by the ECU alone.
What’s a warranty?