Carlitos the Fünfer


I've seen that done as well.

I used to work for the son of the guy who built steam catapult launchers for aircraft carriers. To say he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth was an understatement. Inherited around $80M.

So...even by trying to start his own thing...this is still a negative? I am always confused by people who hate people who have money.

Roll up by him at a stoplight.

Is it ok if no one knows what your car is?

Pretty sure it's a Lambo, dude.

Tell em what your going to tell em, tell em, then tell em what you've told them.

I think this'd be the perfect backup for him

Dear Squids,

I prefer German Bread.

Gutted Toyota Previa then? MR drive train for fun, or AWD for driving through camp sights/beaches. Use it's mammoth glove box for holding chilled drinks, swivel middle row captain chairs for seating and space for a small flat top and fryer in the rear with the seats folded up. The cook can stand outside of the rear

That's why he was so close, he didn't trigger his own explosive, the car decided to do the job before being asked.......How German of it

Radar Detectors

Freddie ached everywhere, but his owner didn't let up, slewing his rear wheels again through the gravel parking lot behind the Circle K. "WOOOOOO!" his owner screamed. In a nearby backyard, a lady looked up from putting her laundry on the line, shook her head, and continued her work.


I am so relieved that someone got laid on her wedding! As a naïve unmarried person, I always thought the whole point of a wedding was to be a celebration of "these two people are gonna fuck the shit out of each other later." Mazel tov!!!

I hate Craigslist. There needs to be a better way for inexpensive auto-transactions. The interface is terrible. I don't want a list of Hondas when I search for a BMW because all of the dudes selling a Civic tagged it with 3-series. I will gladly tolerate advertisements for a website that actually works.