Carlitos the Fünfer

This might have been added in later? I know that happens sometimes.

Yes. I said the same of Car Seat Headrest. Didn’t see your comment here. Glad to see other Jalops have good taste!

Rob, I may be late to the party here, but when did you stop going by “Graverobber?...” Just noticed the name change.

None of the rotary symbols are especially egregious. I always felt like it was more of an Easter egg than something they went crazy with. Also, I happen to think the half door is neat. I wish more companies did it, as it seems like a nice compromise between a coupe and a sedan. The only other ones I can think of

Honestly, didn’t like this one that much. I felt like it was too dry, like I might as well have just read it all on Wikipedia in 1/4 the time.

Fun fact: Tail of the Dragon is right in the path of the total eclipse!

Alanis, why did I know this would be your post?...

Some have mentioned it already, but I think it bears repeating: brakes. It seems surprising to cheap out on them, because they stop your car and that’s sort of important. But at the end of the day, the pads and rotors are pretty simple components. My one caveat is make sure they fit. Amazon sells some questionable

Went out two weeks ago and realized I had too much to drink...

There’s one obvious problem here that our commander in chief has exemplified for us: the “rich” in this case can quite easily duck this tax, especially considering this is a city tax, and not a state or federal tax. How hard is it for these billionaires to redirect their income out of New York City? Couldn’t they just

Clarifying question: if this is a majority African-American workforce, and if Black voters in general are pro-UAW, then how did this vote fail 2-to-1? I realize any one voter-base is not monolithic, and I could understand if the vote were closer, but it seems like something is missing.

I count six. We’ve been hoodwinked.

Yeah, not Kanye’s best album, but certainly not a bad one.

Your top ten is on the nose, but these three?... Really?...

Apparently that crossover makes up most of this commentariat, so I’m getting quite the dragging here. But I still think it wouldn’t sell well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Let’s try this again, without a shitty crossover pun. This thing sells because it gets people the crossover they want for cheap. WRX-ifying it nixes that, and those who could afford it would buy something nicer instead.

Right, but then couldn’t the consumer just buy any of those luxury models that you just suggested instead? At least the Audi or BMW and stretch to the Merc.

But the Crosstrek starts at ~$22k. Half of its appeal is that it’s cheap and gets people the crossover feeling they’re looking for. The difference between the WRX and the base Impreza is roughly $8k. Applying the same difference here, do you really think people will pay the $8k premium to get that horsepower? Is that

Did not, as a matter of fact. Or at least didn’t know that they still make it. The slightly older ones I see driving around are pretty cool though.