Carlitos the Fünfer

And I thought I wouldn’t stay informed after the death of Gawker (RIP).

16 “no”s? Really?

Screw center of gravity; this thing is cool. It’s clearly built for the shock value, not canyon carving. Normally I would take issue to this ethos of modification, but how often do you see a V8 in a Cayman?? That’s just cool.

Gawker would’ve known what Aleppo is... Just sayin’. #RIPinPeace

Will there be an opportunity to appeal? I can’t imagine this will be Custer’s last stand...

Well that doesn’t look healthy... Yeah I’ll take a look after work! Good recommendation.

I think you’re just not going slow enough... My Miata (1.6L) will start EASILY without gas. I know it’s light, but all 100lbft of torque do just fine pulling it from a start.

That was quite the tackle, but I’m sure it won’t be Custer’s last stand.

What blows my mind is there’s no visible damage where he made the initial impact with the rear right quarter/wheel area. No broken glass. No blown tire or bent wheel. At least nothing visible here. Now I’m sure the front of the car is a different story...

Funny story**.

+1. Wondering the same myself.

Question for you. Did you find nice roads up by Acadia? Or at least nice roads along the way? I’ve found that some National or State Parks have some nice roads along the way, and then the parks themselves are a nice place to go and camp/hike/kayak/whatever. Sorry if this was answered in the video, I’m at work!

As a BMW enthusiast, it pains me to say this, but the 2 Series Active Tourer is actually a great option. It’s a perfect alternative to the Small SUV/CUV/Crossover obsession. Tons of interior room, a high roof, and yet compact enough to offer easy maneuverability and good fuel economy. It’s still a BMW for those who

This is my only hope when it comes to autonomous cars.

This will restore my faith in new-BMW until the 8-series Grand Coupe XDrive comes out... Then I’ll go back to loathing anything with a roundel made after 2006.

I just bought a 540i of the same year in February. Cost me $4800. I think I got a good deal and I bought private party, so I’d say the one this guy bought was probably a high mileage 540. Or a very clean 528. But a clean 528 probably wouldn’t crap out on him... So the verdict is 540. Maybe.

For some reason everyone around here loves getting hung up on labels. They’re minivans. Get over it. Knowing the word “multi-purpose vehicles” doesn’t make you any more of a car guy than the rest of us.

I gave this one a big eye roll when I saw the solar panels replace the space where the road was. Why am I not surprised that the same people who say “Look how glamorous autonomous cars are!” are the same people who say “Put solar panels everywhere!!!!”

Woah woah woah, “boring-ass??” I will not stand for this sacrilege against the most holy Miata.

Try clicking the link to the original news article on the ABC affiliate site