
So disgusting I’ll need to examine it ever so closely and repeatedly.

Best to stick with SWOS.

I’ll just empty out my vacuum cleaner for a more movie accurate version.

Have you seen the other... *ugh*, Misfits In Action?

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There’s plenty of other oirish bands you could reference:

They finally made a game adaptation of that crappy film? Took a while.

You do have the choice of disposing of Mordin personally.

Where’s the picture of the Zelda amiibo? All I see is that excuuuuuuuse me princess he has to constantly rescue.

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Take whatever precautions deemed necessary:

Now playing

Don’t forget to play the Irish national anthem:

They can put Chris Christie on it.

There’s only one Room set that should be made:

Is this why Diablo Cody doesn't make movies anymore?