
As I put my pitchfork aside, I would like you to kindly sit down and tell me what other car I could get for $2k or less that handles this great, is rear-wheel-drive, is as well-balanced, has as good gas mileage, is as infinitely tuneable, is as easy to run and maintain, is as small and light, and is as generally worth

I once saw a picture on Facebook using Harvey Dent's quote from 'The Dark Knight', "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain" used in reference to videogame publishers and developers. Activision and EA were put in the latter category while various defunct developers like Maxis

Ironic, given this was just reviewed.

This, combined with the shot of it leaving your property, tugs at my heartstrings. Bravo, sir.

As long as there is no sex involved, and we both clean up nicely for the occasion, sure.

Oh, wow, that's a really nice example!

I laughed.

As did I. My sides.

I'm sure ConAgra is getting to work on Ultra Low Sulfur Beef patties.

Yes, because old cars live longer when you actually drive them.

Even when magnified, it looks kinda plastic...


Damn you sir, for limiting me to just five cars.

Unless I was Channing Tatum, no.

Mazdaspeed 6?

next time you talk to them, ask them about reviving the Escort Cosworth/Sierra Cosworth/Sierra Sapphire Cosworth and have them bring it to the United States, this time.

well, the RS 2000 that was made in the 90's was apparently a crap FWD disgrace to the badge. that said, I like the way you think— I think Ford should bring the Cosworths back for the hell of it.

but you never actually got to drive it, is the problem.