Why is a private business obligated to give anyone a platform for anything? And I’m pretty sure apps aren’t required to vape, so literally no one is stopping you from vaping until your lungs implode.
Why is a private business obligated to give anyone a platform for anything? And I’m pretty sure apps aren’t required to vape, so literally no one is stopping you from vaping until your lungs implode.
Nothing more disappointing than smelling donuts only to turn the corner to see a bunch of Chads vaping away.
Sprint is free to ban any phones from their network that they wish.
As more of a bicyclist, price aside, this is the kind of thing that would get me on a motorcycle. A large part of what I like about bicycles is the quiet while cruising along feeling part of the environment and this seems like a powered version of that. The lack of transmission is also appealing as I imagine it must…
Its a shame literally everyone who has ever ridden one of these was killed immediately because of their lack of exhaust noise.
Loud pipes save lives is bullshit. The reality is loud pipes make you an asshole. You’re an asshole to quiet neighborhoods, to quiet country living, to others in traffic, loud pipes simply make you an asshole, it won’t save your life, or others.
you dont honestly believe in that “loud pipes save lifes” bullshit do you? cause thats not how sound works at all
I should start a petition that demands Christian douchecanoes immediately ‘pull the Bible from shelves at once’ and ‘stop promoting evil.’
How can people who believe the stories in the Bible are facts also have such utterly useless imaginations?
Uh, the reason I want it is BECAUSE it’s irresponsible. I thought that was apparent.
I’m ready for a balanced, relaxed discussion that acknowledges both parties wrong doings, and how vehicular homicide is never a permissable solution.
Slow down there Capt. Assumption... why don’t you go grab a cactus and take a seat.
As a car driver I miss lane splitting bikes, cause you let them by and you don’t worry about them creeping into your blind spot. My logic anyways.. Cali native now in Seattle..
Actually, lane splitting positions the rider such that he is more visible in the side view mirrors of other vehicles. Read any article on lane positioning and you'll see what I mean.
Work on becoming a better rider and it’ll seem like much less of a hassle.
Psychic Powers
Completely. It’s amazing how aware of traffic you become after riding.
What makes it worth such a hefty price tag?
Is there any way the power deficit and other downgrades are worth it for the (paltry) cost savings?
Look at the Honda 500s. All three are wonderful, wonderful motorcycles.