
Meanwhile, you can have the streaming rights to Joey by politely asking for them. 

Has the DEO actually been treating Kara as a paid employee? She’s not just a volunteer?

Completely agree with you. I feel he was overrated to begin with. Totally condescending when he broke down astrophysical concepts in stupid kindergarten speak like no one would understand physics without it. There are many potential astrophysicists that are good at what they do but still grounded, Alan Guthe for one.

I never could stand his pretentious ass, nor his condescending assumption that he was the “heir apparent” to Carl Sagan.

Sluggo is lit

It was on a Monday to accommodate Sunday Night Football. NBC has previously held the telecast on a Sunday in August but changed it up lately.

The Philadelphia Story, a great film with an ending that makes no sense. With all the sparks (and offscreen drunk pool sex) between Hepburn and Stewart, she ends up with Grant? No way.

I’ve also gotta say...I’m not entirely sure on why there’s a controversy that a book series set at a private school in the UK in the 1990s has an East Asian population of roughly 1%.

Gawker considers two to be a myriad.

Couldn’t tell ya’... as a fan of the novel, as soon as I read that “For What It’s Worth” was used in the movie, I decided not to see it.

I mean, it’s not great, but a scene was filmed outside of my old dorm i Pittsburgh, so it had that going for it.

Noooo! This show is SO STUPID GOOD. The second season is a bunch of poo jokes but somehow you end up crying in the last episode during the Horsehead Collective reunion show.

Man. That Romoe died hard.

OH and one more thing I just realized...can we also address the true horror story at the heart of this tale? No, not the crazy man bricking himself up in the basement, it’s the lonely little girl who was imprisoned in a tiny, isolated cabin in the woods, left alone *all day* while her parents went to work at a place

I think that it would be very doable if they stuck mostly to the more “normal” looking characters (the ones with average physiques) and were willing to tone down some of the others, i.e. Jeff Smax wouldn’t be eight feet tall and super-jacked. Lots of the Neopolis scenes could be filmed on average streets or street

I didn’t even know he was in BB...shows you how much we saw of him. 

Zsasz has always been the Bat-villain that terrifies me the most - possibly the most human, therefore the most terrifying as he could actually exist. 

Drew: I have no recollection of conducting any interview with your magazine.