
The Tree Of LIVE?

His handler has been with him since his days at SNL. She made sure he showed up - usually late and hung over - to rehearsals and to the show. She then moved to LA when he did to do the same for him on his movies and sitcom.
Along the way, she’s worked herself up the producer title credit ladder and is now getting an

It’s a quick shot and their expression is ambiguous, while being quite a contrast to the disgust on the face of their African-American colleagues.

I tried to stay away. But Sean left and I posted a good bye and then I got a star and my brain went nuts for that sweet, sweet dopamine and now I’m flippin hooked again.

If the part was written for a Japanese trans man she would’ve jumped at it.

Think The Sopranos—schlubby, blue collar protagonist, beautiful wife, two kids—but a three camera sitcom this time, with more catchphrases and lazy innuendo.

I’m calling it - J. Jonah Jameson. He might make us forget the talented JK Simmons

I agree maybe you should put Chris Hardwick’s name in the article even if Chloe doesn’t mention him by name. We all know who it is so just say it please.

Grown up Paige working in Bernie Sanders’s campaign.

Idea for an Americans reboot: in twenty years, bring back an older Phillip and Elizabeth as they re-team to help undermine the 2016 election.

Anyone who complains that an entire sex has standards that are too high, invariably has too-high standards themselves.

I hope they discuss David Fincher’s World War Z.

“Blame sports!”

Probably it’s that I haven’t warmed to these new X-movies.. any of them with MacAvoy basically.. but I can’t buy Sophie Turner as Jean. It might be that I really liked Famke Janssen....and it may be that the new movies, since First Class, have been oddly paced (Except Logan, which I loved -I don’t know if it counts as

Currently, I’m trying to figure out if I should notate Shatner’s dramatic pauses with ellipses or periods or just let him figure out where they should go.

but the risk of choking makes it all the more thrilling

Ford’s flights of literary fancy

Yeah, I usually watch television on a one-day delay on Hulu, but watched live tonight and had just seen him play the same character as a tackle shop owner on Modern Family an hour previously