
It may be obvious, but it's far from painful.

I always thought candleing was sticking a candle up someone's butt while the other end is lit.

"I can deliver food all around the world, but I could never understand humans capacity to LOVE…"

Agree with the comments above. I just thing it's cliched, and doesn't feel true to life as the show does at its best. The same goes for the season 4 scenes where they try to teach math to the kids using "slinging" examples they'll understand.

This is as good a place as any to mention that the scene where D'Angelo teaches chess to Poot, Bodie and Wallace is probably my least favorite of The Wire.

Like what? Do you have examples?

Also, bring back his brother David Marciano. I like him even more.

Wasn't that myth debunked already?

I mean, good for him trying to be on the right side of history, but he was a terrible president, who fell quite short of the expectations of post-transition to democracy Mexico. And while he never ran on or pushed for hateful policies as his orange counterpart, he shares some Trumpian tendencies. He was a businessman

And what's a brick but a fancy rock?

The (very few) ladies on Luck were so much more attractive than the men: Kerry Condon, Jill Hennessy, Joan Allen…

Yeah, John Ortiz is an amazing actor. I can't believe the AV Club chose his rather minor role in Fast and Furious for the headline.

I can't believe he's dating Larry David's hot daughter!

No, Madison, huh? Forgetting your roots, Garbage?

"J'onn, you can read minds. Tell us who is the white Martian"

Yeah, in Michael Philips' review for La La Land he says Teller would have been a better choice for Seb, but he is uncharacteristically WRONG.

Yeah, the art by Turner was great. He sure knew how to draw a voluptuous, unrealistic female.

For those who may not know, Affleck refers to the children's character 'The Bat Man,' a strong gentleman who fights crime nocturnally.

“You’re a good liar. You deserve to be President.”

To be more pedantic, the title refers to the Unforgettable TRAILER.