
She can remember everything… except the identity of her attacker!

Yeah, I've always thought there's no way he's straight but he's either not out or he does not mention it on the show because he has really conservative parents.

Zhang Ziyi? Great! I've been waiting for her to return to American movies forever.

I saw the episode was dedicated to him, but was that Jon Polito under the mask reprising his role as Earl?

Oh, Wild Things, probably the non-porn movie I masturbated the most to in my teenage years.

So, what other Vinnie Chase vehicles are actually being made? There's this, Aquaman, kind of Medellín if you count Narcos. Wasn't there an Ennio Ferrari biopic in the works?

Yeah, but that ending reminded me of how Lindelof and Cuse said if Lost got cancelled, a monkey in a white coat would explain all of the island mysteries.

Ooooh… so that's what that show was about. I only ever saw the promos.

So, does anyone know if she's still seeing Larry David? My guess would be no, since I haven't heard about them in a few years.

But it was what made Dexter the best show on TV for eight straight years!

And the best!

So, does Black Panther have any powers? From my reading of the movie, all he had was the suit and the upbringing of Eddie Murphy's character in Coming to America.

Clearly the author didn't watch Braindead on Sunday (few did, really), because that was more of a series finale.

Descanse en paz.

Even if I tumble fall…

My favorite was a short one that I can't even find on the website anymore, but it was something like "Biden minimizes windows every time Obama walks by."

This 86-year-old white man has some poignant takes on politics…

Should I infer from this that George Clooney is a Trump supporter?

I knew it was former Blade: The Series lead actor Sticky Fingaz, but this show is not listed at his IMdB page! Last time I trust that website…

I hadn't realized Krazee-Eyez Killa himself was Gavin's head of security! Gavin probably also doesn't get what "I'll nut in your eye" means.