
While The Wire was the best of the HBO Three, Deadwood had the best episode titles: "The Whores Can Come," "Advances, None Miraculous" "Kid the Earth Talks to," "A Lied Agreed Upon," "Something Very Expensive"…

Yes. They're planning on only releasing the action figure of her romantic interest.

This is the type of ripped-from-the-headlines case that The Good Wife would totally include in an episode.

Two Jon Feltheimer jokes in a day at Onion Inc. outlets? What did he do to Univision?

Does the Ewan McGregor character appear in porno? Will he play him? I thought McGregor and Boyle were not on speaking terms since the latter cast DiCaprio on The Beach…

But why didn't they interview Kelly, my favorite cartoonist? Dude speaks the truth!

I mean, at least it wasn't as bad as Dexter, right?

If you're the person who punched that guy in New York for looking like Shia LeBeouf, it's probably not a good idea to go online and talk about how punchable he is…

Has anyone read The Sympathizer? Is it any good?

I DIDN'T get a Community notification for this?! Who cares about The Way, Way Back?

They just stole this plotline from the second season of Younger.

We've come a long way since the days in which the Seinfeld characters couldn't say "masturbate" on network TV.

Ned Isakoff, Elaine's commie boyfriend from "The Race." You know he's a commie because he always wears drabby clothes.


I've been meaning to read her novels. Which one should I start with?

How is Guillermo del Toro not involved at all in this?

How much of Jason's work consists of looking stuff up on Google?

Man, here's a Vox piece just waiting to be written: "I subscribed to all available streaming services for a month. Here's what happened."

I enjoy this show quite a bit, but its portrayal of professional women really bothers me. Both Kelsey and Diana have had sex with their clients and last week Liza was in her way to do so, before she found out the dude was into bestiality. This week we found out that the reporter who did the profile on Josh ended up

Every writer on this site claims to be a Wire fan and yet they fail to mention in the headline that Avon Barksdale himself will star in this movie.