
Donald? How do you have time to run for president and comment on the AV Club?

I so want to see this. I can barely wait the two years until it premieres on FX.

But its not $285 awesome, to be honest.

But can it be made on the cheap?

And it gives him a refractory period of about two seconds.

Cam and Mitch frequently feel attracted to other men, and they even use it as a bonding experience. However, the characters in the heterosexual couples are never allowed to do so. When they happen to look at people in a sexual way, they are ashamed of it (for example, back when Phil was afraid of Claire finding the

"If you believe in the multiverse, there currently exists a bubble of space/time where you didn't."

Beat me to it!

And is considerably less funny.

How is this going to be different from Huge, starring Nikki Blonski?

And now Travis is the band you go see if you cannot afford Coldplay tickets.

I'm one of those people that suddenly remembers to watch it. It's not all that bad. It's basically a cleaned up version of The Shield. They even had someone orally rape a dude while they recorded it with a phone.

I am so done with the "superhero chooses to break up with SO in order to protect him/her."

If you had told me 15 years ago that of the three leads in Two Guys and a Girl, only Ryan Reynolds was gonna make it big… I mean, I would have believed you, but I still wish we could see more of Traylor Howard.

It may be because I watched the Entourage movie over the weekend (it's as awful as you'd expect), but this sounds a lot like Johnny's Bananas.

Oh boy, the holes in Sveta's stomach really triggered my trypophobia…

You beat me to it!

When I saw Vago's pick was from Parks and Recreation, I really hoped it would be April, who I find infuriating. She is just mean to everyone for no reason, and viewers are supposed to find that endearing. She's not just playfully mean, but actively awful to other people. And I guess it makes sense at the beginning of

It's a Younger reference!
