
Did you read the part where he snatches the only bed remaining from the guy who just HAD BACK SURGERY and sends him to sleep on the couch?

Like, I understand why they wouldn't let him bring a cellphone or even a recording device, but why did he forgot to bring pen and paper?

But did you see the leaked texts between El Chapo and Kate del Castillo? He had no idea of who he was!

i really hope Marky Mark believes in Avery's innocence and is willing to write another op-ed piece rebutting his brother.

Donald Trump is gonna spin this into what a loser Samuel L. Jackson is.

What if the characters get suddenly interested in dog racing? No one cares if a few dogs die.

But now I want a Luck revival! That show was awesome.

At least we still have Teen Titans Go!

Dear James, stop trolling the AV Club boards and go back to work. Or better yet, don't.

To this day I cannot understand how this snore fest is the highest grossing movie of all times.

This actually looks like a live action Saint Seiya adaptation

1. Mad Men

I want Alison to end the season in her dacha only to find out that Amazon does not deliver handbags to Russia.

Didn't the same happen when he went to visit in prison the American woman that helped Abu Nazir? I think he gives her his glasses so she can read her plea, then he conveniently steps out to drink some water, and comes back to find she slit her wrists with broken glass.

I really hope Eli's reveal pushes Alicia to finally leave Peter. And I also hope Hillary skips that episode, so she doesn't get any ideas.

Poor Matan, he was so excited that he was gonna win his first case in seven years!

Oh man, where can I find pants like the ones The Rock's wearing in that picture? I loathe wearing a belt.

It truly looks like they randomly chose four shows from a "Good TV shows list" and then added Empire.

I really don't like this alphabetical order. I wanna know if Agent Zero is better than Hellboy!!

So, is the show set in 2014 and Noah saw Winter Soldier, or in 2016 and Noah saw Civil War? 'cause if you're telling me he saw First Avenger, I ain't buying it.