
To paraphrase Seinfeld, this doesn't insult me as a Native-American. It insults me as someone who enjoys comedy.

That was my biggest laugh of the episode.

I logged on to say basically the same! Except that I thought they had simply cast Balaban in a different part.

Daredevil seems to only run into the type of goon that favors fist fights over fire guns…

The scene where Paige is asking her parents questions ("how come you don't have accents?") and Philip gives her straight answers ("we were trained") while Elizabeth just shakes her head reminded me of The Office's "TakeYour Daughter to Work Day" when Dwight is explaining nazism to the children while Michael freaks out.

Just give them a couple thousand years to catch up.

One of the many useless things I learnt by rewatching the entire run of Mad Men is that the kid that plays Gene starting in season five also played Abel in Sons of Anarchy. Which is kind of surprising, since he is not a very good actor…

But I think that's the future of television!

They probably didn't even look at my tape…

This looks awful. I think I'll just rewatch that Good Wife episode where Cary gets coached by Herc from The Wire.

So, Chum-Hum is definitely not their client anymore? I thought they had brought David Lee back so he would bring Neil Gross with him. Didn't the firm win the Colin Sweeney case because they threatened the TV show with a lawsuit from Chum-Hum?

You're not familiar with The Wire, I suppose.

Has anyone read the Powers comic? How does it compare to Top 10?

And of course Kirk Steele's favorite movie is Garden State…

I was expecting that with all that product placement there was not gonna be need for commercials. Alas, capitalism…

How does Geneva still have a job? She hasn't won a single case in over five years…

I'm gonna have to watch last night's Bob's Burgers on Hulu, like a chump, because this usually reliable website forgot to include it in yesterday's WOT!!

Also, I love that the supreme court justice died in season four ("Invitation to an Inquest") and they haven't filled his seat yet. It's the plot gift that keeps on giving!

—I know the lack of Robyn has been addressed here before, but it was particularly egregious during the all staff meeting last night. She would have been so helpful!!

I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but I hadn't noticed until now: