
So, what kind of weak-ass weed does Jax smoke? He's frequently seen rolling and smoking joints, like at the beginning of this episode, but he never seems stoned!

See, Bill Cosby? This is what consent to a sexual act looks like.

And we all know that the rat symbolizes obviousness…

I mean, I hope that is the case, but I really didn't get any indication that it was (why would recently-patched Rat betray the club? Why doesn't him concerned at all about the consequences of his betrayal?). As it was presented, it just seemed like the kind of plot that would end on the editing floor if they only had

One of my favorite TV scenes last year was when the mustachioed detective from The Bridge says "Hola amigo, " or something like that to Demián Bichir and he just replies "Howdy?"

I wonder how the discussions went in The Shield's writers room…

To test this show plausibility I'm gonna go and make a death threat to my local sheriff. If I don't comment on next week's episode I'm probably in jail.

"a guy with an irrational sense of his own talent" That's the best description I've read of Kurt Sutter.

This may be too much info about the life of Carlangas, but there's a weed shortage in my town and I had to watch this show without being high for the first time this season…. Boy does it suck.

Well, she doesn't really steal drugs. She just steals bandages and some sort of antiseptic. I guess the real question is why did she mention the cutting to the detective? Or, did she just remember it but was not part of her narrative?

Someone should put together a Tumblr of Happy nodding during meetings.

Late night's diversity problem is only gonna get worse with this, because CBS can either a)have only white males as hosts, or b)have token female and minority hosts, sending the message that they're good enough for filler, but not for the main gig.

"Now what you do with your personal life is your business but when your on my set, you clean it up mister!"

Another perfect me for a follow up question:
—Does Gemma know that Jax is going to war with Lin because he thinks they killed Tara?
—I'm not sure. Why?
—No reason…

I enjoy Barsanti's writing, but he's no Sean O'Neal. Sean would have skipped that final sentence explaining his own joke.

I read the first tradeback of Five Ghosts following a Sava recommendation, but I jus didn't like it. I appreciate what they do with the adventure and pulp genres, but I don't think the stories are interesting enough.

I was down with the flu today, so I spent most of the day in bed, going through the AV Club's archive. Did you know that this is the second thing Kiele Sanchez and Frank Frillo are together in this year? The first one was the Purge sequel.

I guessed you missed the last five minutes of the episode. Jax and the gang shoot down the rest of Lin's crew. In the middle if the street. While wearing their cuts. Riding their bikes.

I was also gonna comment on that stupid "Speak English" joke. It's never funny, and this time he wasn't saying anything complicated. It was something like "This guy is light years ahead of what anyone else is doing."
