
Even to those who know she's a shapeshifter?

By the way, I always get angry at people who just won't watch anything that's not on Netflix. Netflix Instant didn't even exist, what? four years ago?

I think it's called "the Kristen Wiig."

Or, Cary was gonna be forced to have sex with Kalinda while the prison guards watched and a folk song played in its entirety. Yes, that is a thing that actually happened in Sons of Anarchy.

Speaking of the War On Drugs, they played Madison this weekend and it was sweeet…

She had been under the dome. But then The Dome killed her because it needed to teach her daughter a lesson, or something like that.

Cary was having such a bad time that I was sure he was gonna get gang raped by the end of the episode. Then I realized that I wasn't watching Sons of Anarchy.

Speaking of that, I don't care how much of a good job Jesse Eisenberg does. To me, Lex Luthor will always have the curly hair of John Shea…

Gilmore Girls Melissa McCarthy or The Fat Couple (or whatever her CBS show is called) Melissa McCarthy?

I wish Sava had contributed. I'd like to know what comic books he cannot get into.

I can't believe this was directed by the host of the 1990s Spanish game show "El Juego de la Oca." I used to watch that when I was a child!

Old news… he had already mentioned this on the Nerdist podcast.

My neighbors (I can't be sure from which apartment) recently changed their wi-fi network's name to "WE CAN HEAR YOU FUCKING." I'm pretty sure that they're referring to me and the lady friend. So, what do you suggest I change my network's name to?

After Tyrions says to Joffrey that he should show his fighting abilities with the little people, I could only imagine Joffrey saying "Well, the jerk store called. They're running out of you!"

Poor Manny… nobody missed him.

By the way, I picked up the first Wonder Woman tradeback after all the fuzz about its 52 revamp, but didn't enjoy it all that much. Did it improve over time?

Totally agree. And speaking of Gloria being crazy, am I the only on who found her "I'm Latin. I get to believe whatever I want" utterly offensive?

So, that was House's green card wife at the end, right?

It's the oldest trick in the book and, in fact, The Good Wife has done it several times before. But I loved how they cut to the title sequence in the middle of Robyn saying "Holy s—-"

There is a Jezebel piece to be written about how HBO only shows penises on important episodes (this one, True Blood's season finale), while female nudity is ubiquitous.