
Bad caretakers seem the more likely cause of death than just bed bugs.

I get the impression that he knows that he fucked up a bunch.

Yea I don’t know why Rich Juzwiak feels the need to be such a shit head about this. Talk about alternative facts

For all the times I like Jezebel, it’s things like this that are driving me away. A lot of the staff write callous and snarky things for no reason. It’s just mean for the sake of mean a lot of the time.

Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.

It’s talked about here like it’s morally repugnant not that it’s just not good

I don’t usually respond to your comments, but I will say that your habit of referring to yourself in the third person is beginning to grate on me.

Good lord. She honestly had my sympathy until “she has no intention of ‘going back to being white.’”

going back to being white?? You are white dumb dumb

In New Orleans east? Probably not.

Trump supporters waved around Russian flags with “TRUMP” plastered on them, a prank by 22-year-old Jason Charter and 36-year-old Ryan Clayton. “Most people didn’t realize it was a Russian flag, or they didn’t care,” Charter told the Atlantic in a phone interview.

sorry to post before i read but wanted to get this in...i’ll be back to barf in a few minutes.

He probably gets 100% disability which explains how he is able to stream 24/7 on Twitch.

I’ve learned to be concerned about where my money goes lately, so it’s kind of a relief to see Google putting a fraction of their profits towards something I can agree with. The list of Corporations I’m willing to support keeps shrinking daily..

Twitch streaming didn’t almost kill you, being sedentary and not exercising almost did.

How can any Trump voter call Hillary a liar and not spontaneously combust from the sheer, blinding hypocrisy of their words?

Fuck off Jenner.

My mom, friends, cousins, future-mother-in-law, future-sister-in-law, and just about every other woman I know didn’t vote Trump (my mom is a die-hard Republican and went for Gary Johnson, small victories I guess).