
It really never gets old. I smile now when his name comes up because all I can picture is this...

You can stand under a steamy shower for days, however, and never run out of hot water, which makes it the best place in the world in my opinion. Additionally, while they believe in hill trolls they don’t actually elect them to the highest offices in the land.

i invited you. you had your chance. and now you’re sitting there writing passive aggressive blogs. we had a great time eating sheep dick and ram eyes on the rim of a frozen volcano that smelled like hellpoop! i’ve never seen so many “j’s” and “k’s” in my life! there was a man playing an instrument with strings that

Yeah but Dick Cheney has never lived in Iceland, so that’s HUGE factor in choosing it over Wyoming.

freedom of speech sometimes comes with consequences, my good bitch.

Wonder how many confederate flag wavers are telling Hillary supporters “you lost, get over it”?

Things look really bad now but I promise everyone it’ll all be over soon.

I’m going to agree, but also go with giving credit where credit is due. She objected and that’s like a bazillion times more than I expected from her in the first place.

Wait and see! Wait and see! I’m sure he’s just pulling us backward for so we can all get a good run-up at equality!

My therapist once told me that everything I did didn’t have to be for the cause. She was a smart woman and all of her advice served me well, so I’m gonna go with her on that one.

Exactly! Add to the “I’m a better feminist than you” a mix of half-baked pseudo-philosophical ideas stolen from real thinkers, thrown together and packaged for a book (hello capitalizing on feminism - particularly on the F-word). She offers nothing of substance.

I can’t imagine she’s going to feel this way for long; it’s an exhausting worldview. There was so much out there stuff in there, like she doesn’t trust women with male partners? Um... ok? Congrats, girl, you’re the most feminist of them all. Enjoy it.

Do you think it’s possible to be a feminist and not devote every action of your life to feminism?

Is she fucking serious? If you are married, then you cannot be a feminist? What absolute horseshit. People listen to this woman?

I think I’m just in a really bad mood today but this interview pissed me off. “Oh no, feminism is too mainstream so I need to call myself something else! People who call themselves feminists who don’t work to solve every single problem in the fucking world and also overthrow capitalism every minute of their lives

This is entirely too much. Kyrie’s idiocy is on Kyrie. I am getting tired of this over-thought, precious bullshit. If there is a precious angle at all to be had it’s that we as a people have a hard enough time without having to explain away his idiocy.

Few things:

Wrong... he did do his own research. On youtube. In an attempt to confirm his preconceived notion that the Earth is flat.

Who’s “somebody?” The only person who for sure knows is the person who did it. They might not even be in the neighborhood (probably are, but could also be someone from work, etc). Either way they’re sure as shit not going to say. All the police showing up and asking the same questions over and over is going to do

How do you propose they do that? Don’t get me wrong, fining these people is a waste of everyone’s time and is honestly offensive, but how do you seriously propose the police find the vandal? Deploy a canine unit of elite sniffer dogs and chemical analyzers to follow the scent of krylon?” I’m not certain but I’m