
Yes, let us reject those who only recently decided to agree with us. They are not the true believers of ‘woke’ but blasphemers in sheep’s clothing! I say we ridicule them for now agreeing and therefore discourage them from taking part. How dare they only agree with us now and not before!

It’s the bookmaker’s fault for laying odds on something so stupid as a fat man eating a pie.

Hopefully when he’s ready to retire at 50 we can get him over to MLS

This is the chilling effect that the Trump administration has. They’ve already refused to recognize various minority groups and any type of discrimination (historical and modern), who knows what sort of directives they’ve given to police forces across the country?

Milo Yiannapoulous just got his ass handed to him today.

Please don’t do this. The problem is institutionalized coercion, fear, and excessive respect of authority, not the gender or age of the abusers.

Education must not simply teach work – it must teach life. - W.E.B. DeBois

Shouldn’t you want vacuuming to suck more?

Shouldn’t you want vacuuming to suck more?

You heard it from Lewis. He wasn’t hurt, he just had to take a shit. I hear that excuse from my four year old nephew all the time, that’s not unusual.

Truly the Herpes of the arts and crafts world

Here’s hoping the new order is written by the same cutting-edge genius legal minds as the last one.

I agree, except for the fact that it shoots glitter. Unless she is going to clean it up herself, and even then her parents will find it 6months later. Truly the Herpes of the arts and crafts world

See, I assume all famous people are shitheads in one way or another, because most PEOPLE are shitheads in one way or another.

Love the spin: “We were just practicing so we could weed out the problems.” Riiiiight.

None of those fucking words actually mean anything.

It’s so bad. She spells out the sexist manager’s logic in the full blog. Apparently he got a discount by buying the mens’ jackets in bulk, and from this fact he drew the conclusion that buying the jackets for the women would be unfair to the men because he would have to spend more money on the women then on the men,

The HR rep asked Fowler if she and the other female engineers were friends, and asked for details on how they communicated.

You don’t know it, kid, but you threw that block for a lot of people. Vaya con dios, young warrior.

This looks like the funnest e-sports competition.

Sometimes you see the person who is the best at something. And you just think to yourself : I don’t envy that guy at all.