
I’d like to take a moment to combat the very hurtful message that all progressives preach love and togetherness. I consider myself to be very progressive (and am widely known as being intelligent) and I can tell you that I think love and togetherness are a pile of horseshit. I would describe my attitude toward

Ooh, look at store-brand Schilling holding court here. His bloody hand game was no match for the bloody sock and he needs to step up his meme game bigly to hold a candle to the original. But I do look forward to him buying an arcade after he retires and promptly driving it into bankruptcy.

For a guy without a working finger, he seems easily triggered.

Dear Lord. A couple years ago there was a article on io9 asking if the rights that women have today could just be a temporary blip in human history. Sometimes that seems to be more and more likely. I’m so glad I won’t be having children to grow up in this world.

Angela Merkel, leader of the free world, summed up Putin pretty succinctly: ‘I understand why he has to do this — to prove he’s a man,’ she told a group of reporters. ‘He’s afraid of his own weakness. Russia has nothing, no successful politics or economy. All they have is this.’

This suggests we women will still be allowed to work and/or leave the house unchaperoned. I am not that optimistic.

But honest question, what are we going to do about it? What are the next steps here? I feel like we are shouting into a void about federal law and ethics and its making me very tired.

Except if you pay attention to the timeline of events on this one, this was a mission that Obama’s administration reviewed and specifically passed on because current information was deemed unreliable and incomplete.

Racists can never, EVER look n the mirror...
His rosacea, that half closed stroke eye, the fact that his skin is of the same consistency as play-dough, the non-existent primate lips...


I know I’m being petty, but a fuck I do not give...

Don’t worry. This judge is on borrowed time. Once Jeff Sessions is...

Katrina been MIA since he won😒

When I was 19 years of age, the sexual proclivities of young people wasn’t anything, anything like I see today.

“Speaking of Bill O’Reilly, he won’t apologize for calling Vladimir Putin a “killer.””
The country have truly gone down the toilet when I can find things to admire about Bill O’Reilly.

The Art of War by Sun Tsu

Third rule in Latino families: leave your wife after she donates her organs to you.

I split my replies since we’re talking different headphones. I think the Sony MDR-7509s are discontinued. At least, I haven’t seen any on sale. You may want to consider the MDR-7506 or MDRV6. They are practically identical save some minor differences— one is marketed to the consumer market, the other is marketed

I split my replies since we’re talking different headphones. I think the Sony MDR-7509s are discontinued. At least,

He’s a fucking idiot if he didn’t anticipate this. Fuck him and his shitty team and any other ass who voted for that cunt.