
“ I’m suspecting you are one of those ‘all lives matter’ types, not to be rude about it.” WOW dude really? Really!? (for the record; no. I am not.) not that you asked but I’ve been pulled over by cops and I’ve experienced a lot of racism from whites here in the states, in europe, and in the military BUT also from

I assume electing Trump as president is the first step in “getting affairs in order” in an alternative reality ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Interestingly, the times I have been accused of “acting white” it has been by black folk. It has usually been hurled at me as a barb designed to hurt me in some way. I have never been accused of acting white by white folk or other people of color.

You can take bigly from my tiny orange hands.

If he and his team can lie about everything all day long, we get to keep bigly.

Classic projection again!!

I think lozzle is sarcastically making fun of people who are gonna post those comments...

Because some people don’t want to renounce the citizenship they already have? I’m thankful every day that my Canadian parents never became naturalized citizens and instead chose to be resident aliens - I owe my dual citizenship to that fact.

I hope you never find yourself isolated from your family, and facing possible deportation, as well as an unknown future due to a tumultuous political climate. I hope that it takes less for you to gain some understanding of the human condition. 

Considering there is no rule saying that they cannot re-up the ban, concerns that they may start going after people within the country, expand the scope of the ban, and the general state of the country after only two weeks... oh and limiting his work options if he has to travel, it starts to make citizens concerned.

I saw that and my first thought was that no, it isn’t at all like that. It’s more like having a dietician advise that you eat at Burger King. (without having to disclose the fact that he owns a bunch of Burger Kings.)

What I get out of unhealthy food that tastes good is that IT TASTES GOOD. What the everloving fuck does Gary Cohn think I get out of investment advice that isn’t actually geared to my best interests?

Can’t believe you didn’t include this amazing Cohn quote:

Always relevant:

I thought for sure that Sean was going to run away with the contest to see who could utter the most blatant, easy to disprove and poorly contrived “Alternative Facts”.

Oh, poor fucking baby. Just NOW she is figuring out she’s been lying with pigs?