I’m from Boston. He definitely did it and destroyed his phone, on purpose. Like, come on. I think it’s obnoxious when people don’t cop to these sorts of things.
I’m from Boston. He definitely did it and destroyed his phone, on purpose. Like, come on. I think it’s obnoxious when people don’t cop to these sorts of things.
Those poor dead saps didn’t realize that that was the point: the park’s theme was that good guys with guns are necessary to defeat dinosaurs...with...guns?
“Why aren’t black people outraged about black on black crime?” —no one who has ever genuinely tried to find out what black people actually feel and do about black on black crime but still think they are making a serious point.
Just saved me about $20 and a few hours.
You made me do research on the internet to understand this joke. Begrudging +1.
I must agree, you make very beautiful cars. Maybe it would be better if Alfa just made them as sculptures to look at instead of transportation you have to rely on.
This whole series of comments has been terrible. Probably you are not an English speaker, so you might be forgiven for making such a lame and dated reference.
You’re fighting the good fight. Some real mouth-breathers in that thread.
That under $30k car discussion was less than smooth, but I imagine it’ll get better with time. Doug is working to do the host thing, Travis was all right, but Aaron man. Let’s hope things improve when the discussion isn’t about his father’s WRX.
“My name is Michael Render and we are the new avengers.”
God bless 2015.
why the fuck would you leave anything on the stairs?
Not a huge fan of the way this article seems to target people driving cars they’re less than proud of. There seems to be an implication that anyone driving some Jalop-approved performance car will be more level-headed when that’s clearly not the case. But I guess it’s easy to attack people who have to drive economy…
I’m hesitant to step out of the shadows as a Pats fan here but this is literally the worst thing that could happen in all possible worlds.
Maybe it’s a reverse sleeper? Like, no one’s going to believe you have a V10 under the hood of a 3-series. In fact, I’m liable to think you’re trying to dress up a piece of junk. For it to be true, well.
Broke grad student here. My first car was a 2001 with 130k on it, my current car is a 2000 with 170k and no signs of stopping. I really, really want to know what they felt like right off the lot.
Without a B-pillar, wouldn’t you have to negotiate a glass-glass seal? I don’t want even a tiny gap between the windows, when it gets cold enough.
Wiffle balls are the worst balls. This is a sham.
You better write about this and whatever Shane has to say, man. Great piece by the way.
They have. Also pictured: the endless stream of ads on the overhead compartment lids, completing the experience of being in a long, tubular McDonald's in the sky.