
The de-badge thing is huge in Europe; I almost never saw cars that kept the series badge. I don't think it's a shame thing, as anyone who doesn't know about the differences will just see a BMW, and anyone who does can tell the difference by looking at exhausts, trim, wheels, etc. I always thought it was to add a

It's Bork Buttholes.

Looks like you missed quite a bit of sarcasm there. Maybe a cup of coffee to sharpen up?

In these comments:

I studied linguistics, and it looks like you've lost here but I thought someone should reinforce that you're completely right. But, you know, how can you explain the fundamental principle of language in the face of "ebonics" and "I'm not racist but the way I speak it is the right way", right? Sorry.

Agreed on the skill, but since their bosses are the cheapskates at Ryanair, it's possible that they'd be in a critical fuel situation if they'd given it a second go around. It's said that Ryanair fuels its planes to the bare minimum required to get them to their destinations, but if there should be traffic or

My 2001 Maxima is going to take me through grad school and hopefully until my loans are paid off. 3 cheers for architecture!e

Looks more like they started dragging lines around and forgot that faces were attached to them.

Speaking of BMW though, Alpina wouldn't be too bad.

I'm not proud of being marginally interested in watching the video, but I can't pass up an opportunity to sympathize with hatred of Alex Roy. He's so full of himself and just sucks so much.

This is the most Florida thing that ever happened.


Architecture student here; did not know before today that there was such a thing as a rich architect. Maybe like four of them.

Real original stuff. And clever, too.

Most reluctant +1 I ever gave.

Bought 93 for $4.10 outside of Boston yesterday.

I've already bought tickets to the Swagger Falls music festival. Has that been placed yet?

Thank goodness for Caity Weaver. This shit needs to die, because it's not real.

The other two answers are about right. Also, Fahrenheit.

Beautiful. +1