
The only car I drive with regularity is my mom's '10 Camry. It's completely boring inside and out but the thing does have some punch. Fine at highway speeds, and I could push it easily into the triple digits (I don't, but I could). It can keep up with anything from 0-35ish, which is really what counts in city stop and

Actually good Celica

Russians also like to run insurance scams, a lot of times involving pedestrians straight jumping in front of your car. They're so people can protect themselves from bullshit claims.

Not to mention ML class, X series and Q series


Maybe not full, but at least they'll work (slowly). Can you imagine trying to draft in CAD or Revit without a mouse, or with the precision of just your fingers? Give me slow, a mouse and keyboard inputs 99/100 times.

All good if you're paying for it. I respect that.

Everyone understands the reasoning. You're not offering a new perspective. It's just that most other drivers, no matter how much they love their cars, understand what the lines signify. If you prefer to preserve your property so much, walk to the mall and leave the car in the driveway.

It's the Monday Morning Machine.


Pretty big in MA, but that could just be the preps and private colleges.

I think the exposed hinges are a mistake. I was really surprised when that picture turned the corner and it went from sleek to prototype. It just doesn't look finished at all.

Come and get it. As soon as this starts to go down, Upstate will abandon you guys while Philadelphia marches up through New Jersey to take you from behind. Connecticut will split along Yankee/Sox lines, with the Sox side crossing the sound to harrass long Island. You know that secretly given the chance everyone would

The hardware was rock solid. I still have and use 2 generations of Zune. One for running, one as my everyday music player. If the ZHD came out tomorrow it'd still look fresh.

Why did this happen?

Because Apple's are black and I need to criticize something, dammit!

Plus every active volcano goes off at the end.

720 bhp, that's so monstrous.

Looks like the car was moving too fast/he jumped too late. This was by all means a terrible decision for a highlight reel, but maybe he could have really done it. It looks like he was still in the spring- phase and didn't get to the explode phase of the jump.

I guess that also means no Mini M-CSL out of Munich.