
Ben meets rich lady who drives Porsche. Thinks she wants to bang, but he just wants to hoon. She takes him to a party where nothing interesting happens. They never do anything.

The new Rover is a complete ripoff of this, it's embarrassing. In the post unveiling it last week it was mentioned that this is actually the Range Rover design language that Ford picked up during a collaboration, but if that's true, why give it to the Explorer and make the Range look like a copy? The eyelash

+1. This new (AGAIN) commenting system is bollocks, so I hope I'm replying to the right person.

This is true.

I wonder how often this gets reenacted on the internet every day.

I'm just some guy on the internet but I can tell you that the W8 release preview is significantly faster than Vista on my old PC. Like way, way faster.

Bro. Bro I have a great idea. So we're going to build a bunch of buildings. Are you listening? We're going to build a bunch of towers in Dubai and then we're going to tell people it's the next big financial center. I know it's the desert but whatever. They'll believe us when they see them, trust me. Business guys love

I'm absolutely on board with that.

That's all it takes? Being young and interested in cars? Hey Honda, throw me one too when they come off the line.

One of these spots has to have a Miata or Subieyota, or this isn't Jalopnik.

That's what the 'Cruiser' part is for.

He could ride a bike to Heathrow, provided he has the right information. Just walk out with a megaphone and threaten to reveal secrets about David Cameron or Boris Johnson's Hair if anything happens to him.

I don't know how to say this in a funny way, so I'll just come right out and say it. That was a joke and you missed it.

Oh, didn't realize that if it is.

I want to see this segment so badly.

If you want bucking like a bronco, why not a Bronco? It already has car-chase pedigree a la OJ Simpson.

Somewhere, a Panamera just gave up and died. That is beautiful.

The correct answer is an E39 M5 driven by Clive Owen. It's already proven itself on the London streets and Julian Assange already thinks he's in an action movie, so it's a win-win.

This is why seeing maintenance and repair records is important for secondary market buyers. These are going to be thrashed to hell before used ones start popping up.

Diplomatic immunity, yo. People have been shot in embassies without consequence.