
I just binged breaking bad for the first time so I get that now!!

It’s YouTube jumping on the bandwagon that’s already overburdened with services (including one from its parent company) and teetering on the precipice of a deep crevasse.

No, its the seller. UPS is not at fault. They offered him the insured value of what we can assume was $3,000. Guess what? Had the seller claimed the actual $10,000 value, UPS would offer to reimburse him that amount; further more, had he claimed it was worth the actual $10,000, it would’ve been found in the lost and

“My beloved homeless people that I spend my life protecting”is a dumb thing to say, to be fair.

The e-mail has the god damn answer. They were looking for a $10,000 crate in lost and found. When they only had a $3,000 crate from the cheap kiwi fuck.

I think by purchasing a VW you already signed up for the brand stigma that comes with questionable reliability.

Please, he ran away when things got real. And he had a young woman waiting, with open arms and open legs. Let’s not romanticise or explain away what is one of the more crappy things you can do to another person. I mean, really.

The Japanese version is about the wacky adventures of BB-8 and his human sidekicks.

It’s human resources, not as a “resource for humans”, but as in “humans are our resource, to be consumed and discarded”.

Andy Cohen has tweeted an apology to Amandla.