
Nobodies get attacked by randos all the time. Life is dangerous.

A little off topic but I have a car at a dealership that I’d rather sell back to them than fix out of pocket (2005 Scion XB, needs a new engine, took it to the place I bought it, about 60 miles one way). Can I just call them and have them send me a check?

“No one ever asks me out” or rejects 99% of the people who do.

Get off your high horse. If consumers are ignorant, places like BB will take advantage of them. The More You Know.

Hopefully Tim Cook sees this and stays away.

Scotty Doesn’t Know

I really can’t keep silent on this anymore because I simply

It’s almost like these “social entertainment startups” didn’t think about long-term growth/interest/necessity. Buy a domain and upload your own shit to a FTP. We don’t need a middleman to do EVERYTHING for us in 2015, do we?

Oh, is Tinder that STI subscription app I hear everyone using?

Sleigh Bells’ best song is just one long full circle.

Good thing Adele is back so your aunt can listen to black music in her car with impunity.

This is all I’ve done since I got the internet. Where is my article?